Refer A Friend

Tell your friends and family about Feminink Beauty Studio.
When your friend makes (the right!) decision to go with us, we’ll give you a referral credit of $50 towards your next appointment!

To Qualify

  • Fill out the referral form on this page.
  • Your friend schedules an appointment and completes their procedure.
  • You (the referrer) must have had a procedure done with Feminink Beauty Studio.
  • Your name must be submitted at the time of the appointment by your friend.


  • Referral credit can only be used by the referrer.
  • Referral credit will be applied to the following scheduled procedure at Feminink Beauty Studio.
  • Referral credits are accumulable.
  • Each referral is worth $50 credit.
  • Referral program starts October 22, 2019.
  • Rules and credit per Referral are subject to change.